Friday, February 17, 2017

Adventures Of A Landlady - I Got A Man

Being a landlady can be boring at times and other times filled with drama, I prefer a nice smooth running business but I have yet to find any business that is drama free.

I rented a house back in November to a man with four young boys. He is the tenant that I collect mid month from. He had asked if it was possible when I rented this house to him and I agreed. Today was collection day. He knew I was coming because I called last week, but he was not up and had not went to the bank and it was already noon. I told his mother that lives with him and takes care of the boys I would be back in 30 minutes. But he had not returned and I asked his mom if she would get the rent and let me come back later.

I really needed to inspect the house, its a month over due but last month they boys had strep throat and now the adults have the flu. Just by looking into the house via kitchen it looks okay BUT I really need to see the rest of the house.

I also rented a house this month to a family that rented from me some years back and they took their time moving in and that was fine by me. Late yesterday I got a call that when the water company cut the water on a pipe was busted outside by the house. Well, I was over an hour away with someone sick so I asked her if I could come the next morning and she said he dad could fix it if that was okay, I said yes because he has worked for me before.

While in the neighborhood I seen the man that fixed the pipe and I stopped to pay him, he wanted next to nothing and I paid him a lot more, it was worth it to me. Then he was moving a refrigerator out and to another house for me because they have their own, so he also got hired to move two fridges.

After I got finished with my other job I went back to the rental neighborhood and I blew the horn when I seen him leaving his daughters and he stopped, I handed him a $20 and he said , no that`s okay." I through it in the truck and said " I might need you again and I want you to always get paid for work you do for me." He said just call if we need to work him. 

I think I finally got me a man, a handyman that is.

I did collect the rent.

Now to the only empty rental house. 

I am hiring my sister to paint the rental for me, I had this one guy paint it weird colors and the next man was supposed to paint it for the deposit but it is just a smear job and none of the trim is done, I got awarded that money in court! Anyways I took her paint, two new brushes, a new roller nap and a roller handle, I also will pay her to clean so I took a new bottle of pine-sol. I showed her what to do and then I had to go buy light bulbs! The last man took them all and I had put the 5 year light bulbs in, never again.

By phone I set up the appointment with the electrician  and the guy who will clean the carpets, I did put him on hold because the electricians will be in and out and their boots track in a mess. 

It is very hard not to do the work myself because I always have but at the moment I cannot get away from the 24/7 care taking job I have. It is really hard because I am a no nonsense get it done and not waste time doing so, everyone else is SOOOOO slow and I am not paying by the hour but the job.

I am hoping to sell another house next month, its not that I don`t want it I just feel like its time to sell a few and get busy using the land just setting, maybe a trailer park? 

I would like to get out of the rental business but seems this business has claimed me :)

Another day in the life!

By Andria Perry
Photos By Andria Perry


  1. I wish I'd hit the lottery. You'd be one of the first people I'd take care of.

  2. You have a lot of patience! I think a trailer park is a good idea but a lot of work.

    1. Yes but its still not out of the question of putting something there to at least pay the taxes

  3. A trailer park can be a hassle if the trailers are old and going to pot. Otherwise it can be great income.

    1. If I could I would like to make a place for tiny houses, with solar power and well water. I would love to get people like this to live in that area, because the ground there has such good black dirt to grow food in.

  4. I will rest my heart, because you will take care of my tomorrow, I put all things in the one who strengthens me, AMEN I believe 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
